

这个页面上的组件由第三方公司和热心的开发者创建。 如果您需要任何关于这些解决方案的帮助,请直接联系组件的开发者。




  • Airtable

    Airtable 扩展作者:Create Today

    Blog post with copy and paste script to bulk compress Airtable attachments with TinyPNG. No middleman needed, easy to use, customizable, and free!

  • Concrete5

    Concrete5 组件作者:A3020

    Image Optimizer incorporates various compression tools and optimizes your images. This will lead to smaller images and ultimately makes your website faster.

  • Contao CMS

    Contao CMS 扩展作者:Christian Barkowsky

    A Contao CMS extension that speeds up your website by automatically optimising your JPEG and PNG image uploads with TinyPNG/TinyJPG.

  • Drupal

    Drupal 模块作者:Integral Vision Ltd

    This Drupal 7 and 8 module allows compression of images when they are uploaded and gives the opportunity to compress individual image styles.

  • Episerver

    Episerver 插件作者:David Knipe

    This blog shares some code that shows how it's possible to optimise image size on upload using the TingPNG.com API and the awesome ImageResizer plugin for Episerver.

  • ExpressionEngine

    ExpressionEngine 扩展作者:Bulldog Creative

    Installable extension for ExpressionEngine CMS. Original images will be stored in a separate folder.

  • Fork CMS

    Fork CMS 模块作者:Jesse Dobbelaere

    Compress PNG and JPG images on your website so they will use less bandwidth and load faster. The compression module uses the free API of TinyPNG and TinyJPG.

  • Joomla

    Joomla 插件作者:pixelstun.de

    Free Joomla! plugin, which allows you to compress and resize images uploaded with the media manager and JCE automatically.

  • Kentico

    Kentico 插件作者:Dmitry Bastron

    The blog article contains all the details of automatic image optimization in Kentico CMS using TinyPNG API.

  • ProcessWire

    ProcessWire 客户端作者:Blowback Design

    Adds image compression to your ProcessWire CMS. The client allows manual and automatic image compression using the TinyPNG and TinyJPG API.

  • SilverStripe

    SilverStripe 模块作者:Loz Calver

    Image optimization for the popular SilverStripe framework and CMS. This module extends the Image class and integrates with the TinyPNG API.

  • TYPO3

    TYPO3 扩展作者:Interlutions GmbH

    Compress JPG and PNG images in your store to reduce page size, make your store faster and save a lot of disk space. You can setup CRON Job to automatically compress images.

  • WoltLab Suite

    WoltLab Suite 插件作者:SoftCreatR.dev

    TinyImg is an all-in-one image processing solution for your WoltLab Suite based community.

桌面Back to top

  • macOS

    macOS Automator script作者:Daniel Setzermann

    Comprehensive blog post with code example describing how to use Automator on macOS to compress images on desktop without using your browser.

  • Windows


    TinyGUI is a beautiful desktop application, allowing you to (batch) resize images and use your API key to up and download images from the TinyPNG servers.

  • Windows

    Tiny Image Processor作者:TonyVier

    The Tiny Image Processor is a Desktop App, allowing you to (batch) resize images and use your API key to up and download images from the TinyPNG servers.

  • iOS, iPadOS and Mac

    Shortcut for iPhone, iPad and Mac作者:Michael Sliwinski

    Shortcut updated to iOS18. It compresses (and resizes) images with TinyPNG or TinyJPG on your iPhone, iPad or Mac. Once done it displays savings in file size and shows the compressed file in a Share Sheet, which then can be saved to the device, or shared with a different Shortcut or App. Feel free to modify the Shortcut to save the file wherever you want.

  • JetBrains

    JetBrains IDE plugin作者:Vlad Nikishin

    An easy to use plugin for various JetBrains IDEs. Optimize any image directly from your IDE without the need to open your browser or manually download the image to save it locally.

  • macOS



  • macOS and Windows

    Bamboo作者:Chris Anselmo

    Bamboo is a GUI to use your API key to compress PNG and JPG images on your computer. It works by uploading your image to TinyPNG and then downloading the compressed output for you.

  • macOS and Windows


    ImageMatting is a desktop tool that supports AI-based image matting, AI ID photo creation, image format conversion, and image compression. The image compression feature uses TinyPNG, and you need to upload your TinyPNG key.

  • macOS, Windows and Linux


    This app provides a GUI front end for TinyPNG for your local computer so you can optimize images without opening up a browser. Also includes option to overwrite your original images.

  • macOS

    macOS App作者:Hoc Tran

    A simple and easy to use MacOS GUI to compress your images 🚀. Support concurrent processing, colorizing, retry on failure or reveal in finder. All you need to do is open directory or images and press start 🎉.

  • Windows and Linux

    Windows and Linux GUI作者:Walter Staeblein

    A very easy to use desktop GUI for TinyPNG where you can compress your images quickly and painlessly using a pleasant interface. Drag as many images as you wish onto the app's window and you're done, is that simple. You can also keep or discard metadata, choose how you wish to overwrite or scale your images and keep track of how many compressions you've done per month.

开发Back to top

  • C-sharp

    C-sharp 包装作者:Stian Hanger

    C# wrapper for the Tinify API. You can also pass along credentials and info to upload the compressed file directly to Amazon S3.

  • macOS, Windows and Linux


    CLI client for images compressing using TinyPNG API. Supports multi-threading, distributed as one binary file, and can be executed from docker-image.

  • npm

    npm CLI作者:websperts

    TinyPNG CLI that uses the API to compress images using the command line interface. Supports compressing and resizing individual files as well as (multiple) folders.

  • Cloudflare Workers

    Cloudflare Workers 包作者:srvrlss.io

    A simple script to add a webhook interface on top of Tinify. Use it like the Tinify API, with an extra webhook_url parameter to post the response to your specified URL.

  • .NET

    .NET 客户端程序库作者:Chad Tolkien

    This is a .NET wrapper which supports .NET Core and full .NET Framework. Non-blocking async turtles all the way down with Byte[], Stream and File API's available.

  • fastlane

    fastlane 插件作者:Danilo Becke

    A fastlane plugin designed to automate image compression in your project via pre-commit hook or one-off runs.

  • Figma

    Figma 插件作者:DesignString

    Helps UX designers and developers to compress multiple images in just one click.

  • Figma

    AD Compressor作者:Wei

    Made it specially for Google Display Ads, you can preview, compress, and download multiple banners in just one place.

  • GitHub

    GitHub Action作者:Nick Amoscato

    GitHub Action to compress and resize images with the Tinify API.

  • Golang

    Golang 客户端程序库作者:gwpp

    Golang client for the Tinify API, used for TinyPNG and TinyJPG. Tinify compresses or resize your images intelligently.

  • Gulp

    Gulp 插件作者:Gaurav Jassal

    Gulp plugin to compress PNG and JPEG images using TinyPNG API.

  • npm

    npm MCP Server作者:kshern

    A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server designed for AI assistants to process and optimize images using TinyPNG API. Provides tool functions for retrieving image dimensions and compressing images from both URLs and local files. Supports output format conversion (webp/jpeg/png) and delivers high-quality compression. Integrates seamlessly with Claude and other MCP-compatible AI systems.

  • PowerShell

    PowerShell 插件作者:Laurent Christen

    Provides CmdLets to tinify images using PowerShell Desktop or Core in different flavours like image in-place updates or bulk updates with resizing.

  • Python

    Python Client library & CLI作者:Manuel Barkhau

    Python module and command line tool to shrink PNG files. Now also works with JPEG files.

  • Python

    Python 脚本作者:GcsSloop

    A simple script in Python for Batch compress images.

  • R

    R 包作者:James Adams

    R package to compress PNG/JPG file sizes from within R scripts/Rmarkdown documents.

  • Rust

    Rust 客户端程序库作者:Danieroner

    Rust Crate to compress PNG/JPG images with the Tinify API.

  • Shell

    Shell 脚本作者:Ameer Dawood

    A shell script to compress a batch of images using the tinify API.

  • Unity

    Unity 包作者:Brain bit studios

    TinyPNG For Unity brings the memory savings of TinyPNG to the Unity Editor. Easily compress .png and .jpg textures and significantly reduce image size.

  • Webpack

    Webpack 插件作者:laxnogithub

    Vue/Webpack plugin to compress images using TinyPNG API.

  • Webflow CMS

    Webflow CMS 插件作者:Little Big Things

    Supercharge your Webflow CMS with Pixie, an image optimizer powered by TinyPNG. Achieve faster load times and better SEO effortlessly!

  • Yii2

    Yii2 客户端程序库作者:Vladimir Kuprienko

    Facade of Tinify API for Yii2 Framework. This extension allows you to resize and compress images without loss of quality.

  • Yii2

    Yii2 客户端程序库作者:BechTech

    Yii2 integration to optimize PNG and JPEG images without loosing quality. You can also resize images during the image compression process.

电子商务Back to top

  • Joomla

    Image Optimizer for JoomShopping作者:Nevigen

    Automatically optimizes uploaded images (products, categories, manufacturers) in admin panel of JoomShopping for Joomla! Reduce loading time of your shop pages and get more happy users!

  • OpenCart

    OpenCart 模块作者:opencartbot

    Module for smart compression of PNG and JPEG images at the stage of their uploading in OpenCart

  • PrestaShop

    PrestaShop 模块作者:Benichou34

    Image compression module for PrestaShop 1.6+. This module automatically optimizes your images by integrating with the TinyJPG and TinyPNG API.

  • PrestaShop

    PrestaShop 模块作者:ELEGANTAL

    Compress JPG and PNG images in your store with TinyPNG, reduce your store's page size, make your store load much faster and save a lot of disk space. You can setup CRON Job to automatically compress your images.

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TinyPNG is created for modern browsers with HTML5 & CSS3 support. We have not tried it out in other browsers. The site may work, or it may not. If you see this message you may want to try a different browser!